our onionsets
yellow onionsets
red onionsets
white onionsets
our gladioligladioli
We cultivate and process 100 hectares of gladioli every year under our own management. The gladioli are sold almost exclusively on the Dutch market. After harvesting, the gladioli are dried, sorted, peeled, packed in crates and delivered to the customer, where they are packaged for garden centres and supermarkets. Assortment
The so-called cormels are planted in spring. These develop into gladioli during the summer months. They need to be regularly pinched out* to optimise corm development. The gladiolus corms can be harvested from the beginning of October onwards. * Removing the flowers |
about the qualityGUARANTEED QUALITY
Kesselaar bv is certified in accordance with global g.a.p.
Leading supermarket chains around the world require suppliers to have global g.a.p. certification. This certificate confirms that the food has been produced in accordance with criteria relating to food safety and corporate social responsibility. inspection
Our company is inspected annually by nak agro. This independent inspection is intended to establish whether the production process complies with the global g.a.p. guidelines. |
delivery.The onion sets are delivered in the packaging of your choice, varying in size from 500 grams to big-bags.
Risk spreading.Half of all our onion sets are cultivated by us on land in the dutch province of zeeland. The cultivation of the remaining half is outsourced to businesses in the noordoostpolder and nijmegen regions of the netherlands and in belgium. This ensures a wide risk spreading.
QUALITY.The first-year onion sets are cultivated from top-quality onion seeds. The fields in which the onion sets are grown are inspected every year for possible pathogens. This inspection is carried out by the independent body nak-agro. This is necessary in order to ensure top-class onion sets